Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peeps Treats in a Jar

These make a great little gift to hand out to your friends at Easter time.  They are quick and easy for you and also quick and easy for your friends to make later.  They look so cute and taste great.  Truly a fun idea.

 Pour 1/4 cup Easter M&M’s into a wide mouth pint jar.  Place 6 bunny peeps around the inside of the jar.  Make sure the peeps are facing out.  They should just fit.  Measure 1 cup of Rice Krispies into a plastic sandwich bag, close it, and stuff it into the center of the jar, inside the bunny ring.  Attach directions to the lid and tie a ribbon around the jar.

Directions to place on the jar:

In a small saucepan melt 1 teaspoon of butter.  Snip the Peeps into 2 or 3 pieces and add to the butter.  Heat over medium-low until just melted, stirring constantly.  This only takes about a minute or so.  Don't heat too long. Add the Rice Krispies and M & M’s.  Stir well.  Spread into a buttered small loaf pan or pan of similar size.  Press with a rubber spatula.  Cool and enjoy.

 I molded mine into ovals with my hands to make eggs.  Then I placed a half dozen candy melt wafers in a zipper bag and melted them in the microwave 20 seconds at a time, until they were barely melted.  Then I snipped off a corner of the bag and squiggled the candy melt over the egg shape.

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